Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sevilla to...

We're working from a new map.

'I bless the rains...'
We'll be in Morocco in two days. We've both graduated from nervous to excited. It's been so long since I did the research that I'd forgotten most of it and had to remind myself that I do, in fact, know the ropes (visas, insurances, other admin).

Our first 'town stop' will be Chefchaouen, the Blue City; '... a photographer's dream come true'.

Having experienced the north African influence in Sevilla (e.g. cumin seeds in the bar snacks) and knowing something of the Spanish in Morocco, we both expect that the cultural shift from here to there won't be so dramatic.

The ride through Western Sahara (or the 'Southern Provinces' as it's politic to refer to it in Morocco where the region isn't seen as a separate entity) to Mauritania and Senegal might be a step-change, however.

Take Me to the River

... cleanse my soul...
I've taken to jogging along the Guadalquivir as a morning routine. It's Spain's only major natural navigable waterway. I find that my invisible friend can't quite keep up and spends the rest of the day looking for me. I enjoy the break.

Knowing Me, Knowing You
The Pillion and I have had opportunity to reflect on our relationship dynamics latterly - as you've heard. You know, we've 'been together' for several years now, but only actually cohabited for a couple. We were still getting to know each other. Self-deception plays a part in most successful partnerships, I reckon. But there's little room for it when a couple are as intensely together as we are right now.

It's a challenge - but we're rising to it. Continuing to manage this aspect of the trip well might be our biggest achievement.

Catch Bull at Four
We visited the bullring. Because I'm old, I got in cheaper. The ticket attendant was kind enough to doubt our claim as to my years and so double-checked the offered proof. Bless!

The place is charismatic. I took photos.

The gate to the arena
Red and yellow
Dead matador
Nine to Five
One thing Angelika and I have mused on is the amount of journey time you spend doing stuff you never really factored in to your pre-trip imaginings.

We've spent most of today (starting after the morning cuppa to now - 3.30 pm) on admin and housekeeping. No complaints, Sevilla old town is a cool place to be doing it and preparing for riding in Morocco a cool thing to be working on - of course. But it takes time and energy and you have to factor it in.

Love is all Around
The Spanish people we have met have been very friendly. The lady in the photocopy shop (travel insurance and bike reg. docs) was a bundle of warmth and openness. She was also genuine enough to express her opinion of our motorcycle trip to Africa by placing her forefinger to her temple with a screwing motion, laughing and exclaiming 'Muy loco!'. Lovely.

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